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gMGAclock is a GNOME-based overclocking utility for Matrox G400 cards. The original clocking code was stolen from Brad Grantham's mgaclock.c but has been heavily changed.

Greetings to Mark Vojkovich who created the original g400 registry dump code for linux and was extremely helpful in desperate times. :)

Joonas Makkonen <>

09 Mar 2000
I've received couple of reports on complete lock-ups after starting gMGAclock. To fix this delete ~/.gmgaclockrc ~/.mgaclockrc and ~/.gnome/gmgaclock. I'm not exactly sure what's causing this since I haven't received accurate descriptions of these situations. Also, DO NOT run gMGAclock at boot time! I suggest you add the gmgaclock command line to ~/.xinitrc.
09 Mar 2000
Forgot to menition that the default config file was moved from ~/.mgaclockrc to ~/.gmgaclockrc. Also the RAM Optimization hasn't been implemented yet. I forgot to disable the window. That's what you get for rushing things. Please keep the bug reports coming in so I can have them fixed.
08 Mar 2000
Version 0.4.8 released. This version includes some sort of a command line tool. Use -l/--load option to load and apply a file w/o a GUI. Don't run it at boot time because it still requires X and Xfree86 resets the settings on startup anyway. DCC's are now also calculated automatically when Apply is clicked (assuming auto dcc is on).
23 Feb 2000
Ran some benchmarks to see how much can be gained with overclocking in linux. I let the results speak for themselves. I used Quake3 as the benchmarking tool with the default settings (640x480x16bit).
Setting Demo 1 Demo 2
164.7MHz (XFree86 defaults) 36.2fps 35.5fps
252.0MHz (Win98 defaults) 39.4fps 38.2fps
285.0MHz 40.8fps 39.0fps

18 Feb 2000
Project web page moved to SourceForge.
16 Feb 2000
Version 0.4.7 had a nasty memory leak in clock settings so version 0.4.7a was released.
15 Feb 2000
Version 0.4.7 released. New features include automatic duty cycle correction and miscellaneous controls. I suggest you consult the MGATweak documentation incase you need help with the settings.
11 Feb 2000
Thanks to people who reminded me about the symbolic links in the package. Fixed in release 0.4.6a.
10 Feb 2000
Version 0.4.6 released. The original mgaclock clocking code was horribly wrong! Rewrote the clocking code according to the Matrox specs and gMGAclock became far more stable. Also added autoloading of settings on startup etc. Check the NEWS file for more.
09 Feb 2000
Status report: G200 support is on hold since I can't test it at the moment. I'd be happy to get some feedback on what kind of features would be neat or necessary so I can prioritize my tasklist.
08 Feb 2000
Version 0.4.5 released. Added the ability to load and save settings and a partial emergency recovery. Some minor bugfixes and layout improvements.
06 Feb 2000
Back from an amazing skitrip. Been receiving a lot of mail about the themes I'm using so here they are: minEguE for enlite and minEgtk for GTK+ (both available from
27 Jan 2000
Looking for someone to make a cool GNOME style icon/logo for gMGAclock.
27 Jan 2000
Version 0.4.1 released. Recreated the GUI with proper packing so it won't look like crap with some themes.
26 Jan 2000
Version 0.4 released. Includes heaps of bugfixes and new features including individual settings for GCLK/MCLK/WCLK and a new layout. Please report any bugs.
25 Jan 2000
WARNING! Before applying clock speeds higher than 250MHz make sure you choose a preset G400 Win98 or higher and then select Custom preset and set the clock. This way the clock dividers are set properly. This will be fixed in the next version.

Latest version is 0.4.8 (8 Mar 2000)

gmgaclock-0.4.8 tarball [103kb], i386 rpm [52kb], source rpm [106kb]
gmgaclock-0.4.7a tarball [101kb], i386 rpm [48kb], source rpm [104kb]
gmgaclock-0.4.7 tarball [101kb], i386 rpm [48kb], source rpm [104kb]
gmgaclock-0.4.6a tarball [97kb]
gmgaclock-0.4.6 tarball [84kb]

  • Supports multiple cards
  • 5 Presets
  • Custom preset that allows you to set the clock speed manually
  • Automatic registry calculation from given clock speed
  • Automatic clock speed calculation from given registry values
  • Individual settings for GCLK/MCLK/WCLK
  • Saving and loading of settings

  •  Screenshots
    Main window (v0.4.7)

    Clock settings window (v0.4.7)

    Miscellaneous control window (v0.4.7)

  • SDRAM/SGRAM Optimization
  • G200 support
  • Gnome applet
  • Massive code cleanups!
  • Command line tool

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